
Open Doors Collection

I'm so excited to announce the release of this new collection!

My life has been in turmoil for over a year now. I lost my job because I hade a nervous breakdown due to my husband becoming dangerously close to losing his life, followed by the realization that he had a serious problem with alcoholism, which led to his being committed to a rehab facility and to our separation; without either of us working, we almost lost our home (and I still might lose it as I am now a single mom making barely enough to make ends meet); it took me 9 months to find a job and that at a $4.50/hr pay decrease and 10-12 fewer hours per week; my ex is not interested in helping, I have no friends or family where we live (I moved across the country because my ex wanted to move back to his home state) and my oldest son (I have a 6-yr-old and a 3-yr-old) is autistic with Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, Anxiety, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and is showing early signs of dyspraxia (all of which means lots of meds and therapy! LOL). Life is not easy right now and there have been many, many tearful nights--and days!--in the past year. My oldest and I are constantly at odds and he is becoming quite violent and almost uncontrollable when he has episodes of defiancy and meltdowns (they involve hitting, kicking, biting, slapping, choking--especially when I'm driving and he unbuckles himself!--throwing things at me and yelling, "I hate you so much, Mommy!"). There are days when I just want to run away because I simply can not handle anymore. I have often questioned if I can make it, how I can make it, if I'm strong enough to pull through all this. But, living day by day, taking care of things one at a time, praying a LOT, and realizing that, in many ways, my life is better than it has been in years, has really opened my eyes.

It took me a while to realize that drastic changes in life do not have to necessarily be scary or negative. When one door is closed to you, another is always open...you just have to find the courage to look for it. Open Doors is a collection to remind you that one ending leads to a second (or third, or fourth) beginning. Set your fears and misgivings free and walk through that door into a new future!

With all that said, I bring you the Open Doors collection!

And now for a little eye-candy!! I only had 2 CT gals to work with this collection, but they rocked it! And I added a couple LOs of my own, of course!

 Have you been waiting all this time to find out who won the give-away?  Well, wait no longer.....

Congratulations, Romajo! I will be contacting you soon with your download links!

And a little FYI....if you've been waiting for me to bundle my various collections together, you'll only have to wait a bit longer! And if you like to saveeven more than store discounts for bundles, you might want to make sure you're signed up for my newsletter!!


Ready For A Give-Away??

Hey...remember me? LOL

I'd like to say the reason I haven't posted on here in so long is because I have been insanely busy designing, but that just wouldn't be entirely true. The truth is life is sometimes scary, frustrating and rarely goes the way we expect; when ne thing goes wrong, it seems like several others go in the same direction. So, that's where I've been...scared, frustrated and in one big ol' creative slump.

Luckily, the design fairy came for a long hoped for visit and gave me a whopping dose of creative motivation! To celebrate, I'm doing my first give-away! Take a look at what I have coming out soon:

Want a chance to win this kit? It's easy...just leave a comment below! Share on your Facebook page, your blog or on Twitter and leave another comment for more chances. I'll choose one lucky person to win the kit on Saturday.

I also have an add on and 3 companion packs coming out to coordinate with this kit, so be on the look out!

Happy Scrapping, everyone!