I'm so excited! My mojo, which left a few weeks back without leaving so much as a forwarding address, has returned and inspired me with ideas for two more kits. I jotted down everything needed for one of the kits and a few items for the second and I'm ready to get started. In fact, I did get started and completed some doodles that I'll need for papers and elements. It's going to be a simple kit, with just a few colors in the palette, but it's a kit that holds a lot of meaning for me.
It's all well and good that I have my creative juices flowing again, but I need to stay off the internet and take advantage of it. The last time I felt this creative (I can barely remember that far back! LOL), I created an awesome color palette, 24papers and wrote down plans for over 60 elements and ideas for an addon kit. And then I lost all desire to design and I just can't get back "into" that kit. It's languishing on my EHD and, as much as I still want to finish it, I'll just have to wait until that particular bug bites me again.
For now, I'll plow ahead with this idea. It's all so clear in my mind...I just hope I can do that image justice in real life! I haven't done a whole lot of doodling in the past, but I'm teaching myself to use Illustrator. It's just slow going. Slower than I'd like anyway. Of course, it doesn't help that we've had a busy past week and busier weekend. My evenings seem to disappear before I know it and, by the time the boys are sleeping, I'm so sleepy myself that I can't get to the computer at all. And my poor house has been neglected for far too long. This weekend required massive cleaning and organizing.
I managed, by purchasing a larger bookcase, to gather all the boys games, puzzles and educational materials into one location; did a major clean-out, clean-up and reorganization of the toy room; cleaned both bathrooms; swept and mopped all the floors; put away the medical bills that have been sitting out since the beginning of the year; did five loads of laundry; got a good start on clearing off the dining room table (which is a catch-all for anything and everything) and the kitchen counter; got down our fish tank from the attic, cleaned it out, set it up and treated the water so we'll be ready for fish later this week; drew and cleaned up 8 doodles for the new kit and chose a color palette for it; plus all the normal grocery shopping and errand running. We even managed dinner out together as a family and a Wii session with Scooby-Doo. I hope all of you are having weekends that are just as productive as mine has been thus far!
Keep your eye out for a newsletter. I just might let you get a sneak peek at my new color palette!
Oh, I cannot wait to see where your mojo has lead you and what you can do in illustrator with doodles! Doodles for CU are probably in demand.
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